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Welcome, my name is Conner 

 I'm 15, and I'm a Capricorn , I like skateboarding and my hobbie is playing video games. I wanna be a video game designer when i'm older because i think it would be really fun and i really like playing video games. 


Hello, my name is Mariah

I'm 14, and i'm a Leo, I like playing video games (mostly at night) i feel like i play better. I want to become a Marine Biologist when i'm older and just play games as a hobbie like i'm doing right now. 



I play video games and it's my hobby, i just wanted to share with other people what i love to do. I stream live gameplay on twitch if you ever feel like watching me play. 

  • SPEAKER:  No one yet

We haven't gone anywhere yet but planning to.



  • AUTHOR:  Mariah Hansen


I'm the one who made the site i hope you enjoy and follow the media to see what's happening. 


  • CONSULTING:  Conner Davis 


 I just wanted to share what i love doing with people so i made a safe way to view me playing and feel free to give advise so i can get better. 




IS Conner Davis


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Author: Mariah Hansen 

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